Teen Titans Go! is a Cartoon Network animated series that had a really successful run on TV. The characters from this show have already appeared in a few Android games, and now they're back on the scene in Teen Titans GO Figure!
Teen Titans GO Figure! is an action-packed platform game where you play as Robin, one of the main characters from Teen Titans. When you play, you won't have to worry about complicated controls. Instead, all you have to do is tap on the screen to jump and collect coins and tools.
In Teen Titans GO Figure!, you'll have to pay attention to your surroundings. Robin will be in danger every step of the way, so you'll have to watch out for trains, spikes, and other dangerous items. On the other hand, you can't think too carefully, either, because if the screen catches up to you, the game is over.
If you're looking for an addictive game without complicated controls, Teen Titans GO Figure! is a great game that stays true to the style of this beloved series and is sure to entertain you for hours.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 3.0.x or higher required
All of the 5 stars are botted and the game sucks
It's not the game it claims to be. It's a poorly designed platformer with bad sound.
Extremely fun!